Friday, April 14, 2023


     It has been a long time since I blogged on this. I have been learning the eCPPT, which I have finally passed. The goal is to change this blog to write ups for cybersecurity. I will be doing academy hack the box, try hack me, and INE. 

     Looking at my previous posts, I feel as I was more passionate about Cybersecurity. I will bring that back to this blog.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

ITPro.TV and INE CCNP 310-401

 These will be my two primary learning applications to see if this helps me out. 

ITPro.TV Python Course Completed

 I just completed the ITPro.TV course, and it helped me a lot in answering some of the questions that I had on python. Now it is time to practice.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Down the Rabbit Hole

 Somehow I went on HTB after watching a Youtuber, The Cyber Mentor, Pentesting for n00bs: Episode 2 - Lame (14) Pentesting for n00bs: Episode 2 - Lame - YouTube to the box lame which is supposed to be an easy box. As I haven't done any practical in a while. As I said in my other post, I have a subscription. I did use YouTube to find the answer to get in, when I first started. This led me to, as I knew I wouldn't understand anything. This was over a year ago. Now I am back, and I went to look up the video, keep in mind that I am studying for my OSCP. My question was how can I use an exploit on exploit-db manually. And this is where the rabbit hole came from. I have been learning and getting exposed to everything dealing with python. As of now I am watching ITPro.Tv, to learn more. I have searched through Youtube, Google, and many other websites. I haven't grasped the knowledge yet, it hasn't dawned on me yet. So I will keep studying asnd learning as much as I can to learn how to use code to get a shell. The Metasploit I have hands on, but I want to know how it works. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

August 11, 2021 Python3 Oreilly Rabbit Hole to python3

 Just went into a rabbit hole while doing the PWK. I am trying to learn how to do backdoor execution on a instead of using the msfconsole. I am practicing with HTB Lame box. this box is beginner friendly. I have the subscription to HTB, but I want to make sure I know how to use the python script to look at the vulnerability of vsftpd, Very Secure File Transfer Protocol Daemon. On Youtube, this led me to Filezilla, a GUI, finally saw it in action without just cli. So there,  I was viewing a video about python3, which made me seem that it was more focused on the deprecated python2. I will keep you posted. Major thing i learned, was about module and the shebang for python3.

Monday, August 9, 2021

August 9, 2021 Chapter 1-4

 I have been studying Chapter 1 through 4 in the OSCP. Getting sidelined figuring out how to run code through Python3 and manual code. This is getting fun, I have something intriguing to learn. Anyone can use msfconsole, but I need to learn manual ways.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

August 7, 2021 - Welcome Back

     I have been working at my job as a NetOps Specialist. I am currently  in learning the PWK. I have been in the course for about three weeks. I will be getting more actively back involved in the blogs.


     It has been a long time since I blogged on this. I have been learning the eCPPT, which I have finally passed. The goal is to change thi...